About Me

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I am a magazine, public relations, and sociology major at Drake University who is ALWAYS on the go...and I LOVE it!! This blog is a digital record of my evolving writing skills throughout college. To view my dating/relationship blog visit hsmason.wordpress.com.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pretty Little Liars

Aside from the crazy summer nights with my friends from high school, aside from sweet summertime romances and outdoor dates, aside from soaking my hair in my friend's chlorine-filled pool...one of my favorite activities this summer has occurred every Tuesday night.

Okay I'm talking about a TV show. Sometimes after I've worked a ten hour day in the sun with screaming kids, the prospect of vegging out in my air conditioned house in front of the TV sounds just as exciting as a night out.

The show that has captured my attention this summer? Pretty Little Liars

Despite the fact that it's on ABC Family, Pretty Little Liars has all the intrigue and drama of a more mature show like Desperate Housewives. The show follows four girls whose missing friend of three years has finally been found, dead. Their dead friend, Allison, is the only one that knew all the secrets the girls would never tell anyone else. Now someone (possibly Allison) is sending the girls messages threatening to expose their secrets.

I enjoy a good scandal and all, but what I really love about the show is the clothes. Each girl has a really individualized style, which for a fashion junkie like me is really entertaining to see each week. And of course, the sexy male cast on the show doesn't hurt.

Scandal, fashion, and eye candy. My Tuesday nights sound a lot more exciting now, don't they?

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