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I am a magazine, public relations, and sociology major at Drake University who is ALWAYS on the go...and I LOVE it!! This blog is a digital record of my evolving writing skills throughout college. To view my dating/relationship blog visit hsmason.wordpress.com.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Break a Sexy Sweat

Drake Magazine came out this week, along with my article about the best workouts for your sex life. After so many rounds of editing, it is always exciting to finally see your name and piece in print. So here is my piece, Break a Sexy Sweat, enjoy!

Ask any woman who's rockin' a good sex life what her secret is and nine times out ten she’ll tell you: confidence. As easy as it is to worry about your “wobbly bits” as Bridget Jones says, it is just as easy to find a fun, unique workout to give you the confidence boost you need, and the resulting boost in the bedroom. These workouts all not only help you build confidence, but also let you have fun and feel sexy.

Strip Tease Aerobics

“When you feel good, you look good, and you want to go home and…feel even better.” Caeli Esser teaches strip tease aerobics at the Des Moines Social Club, giving women an intense cardio workout while teaching sensual dance moves. The 45-minute class is almost nonstop movement. One class consists of some stretching routines, a few dance/strip tease numbers incorporating burlesque moves, a chair dance, some ab and arm work, and finally a much-needed cool down stretch. Esser teaches in a fun, encouraging way that really lets you open up and let loose. Participants leave feeling invigorated, accompanied by some soreness, but mostly feeling their body humming with energy. Strip Tease Aerobics can simply be a good workout, or as your boyfriend may prefer, you can take home the moves for a sexy, practical application. After all, a spicy sex life is more than just having the right moves; a good visual is always appreciated.


If you aren’t comfortable exercising in public or don’t have time for to go to a gym, Kegels are an exercise you can do while just sitting in class. Dr. Locke, of the Winneshiek Medical Center, describes Kegels as tightening and relaxing of the pelvic floor muscles and can be done by both men and women. Don’t know which ones are the pelvic floor muscles? He often tells patients to try to stop your flow of urine mid-stream, the muscles that you use to clench are the same muscles you use when doing Kegels. However, don’t attempt to do this often or you’ll find yourself with more problems than just a dull sex life. Although Kegels are most often used to help urinary incontinence, they can also help with your sex life. For men, the strengthening of these muscles helps stop early ejaculation and can lead to multiple climaxes. And while it can’t hurt for the sex to last a little longer, women also get the added benefit of tightening, which you can use to squeeze your man’s package more (a benefit for him as well). But beware, the benefits of this exercise are controversial; some doctors say to see results you may have to do up to 200 a day!

Yoga Booty Ballet

Yoga Booty Ballet is just what it sounds like, a little bit of yoga, a little bit of ballet, and a whole lot of working and toning the booty. And of course, having a good booty helps you get some good ‘booty’ (cheesy, but true). Yoga Booty Ballet is a series of DVDs that help you embrace your inner power and inner beauty through toning ballet exercises combined with breathing techniques and yoga mantras. This workout is more about your mindset than anything else. “My outer body will now reflect my beautiful insides,” is one mantra used in the DVD “Goddess Booty” (available at Amazon for $19.95). It gets you thinking about what mantra you could use under the covers; perhaps “I am a sexy, confident, strong woman.” That pretty much sums up what we want our guy thinking about us as well.

Other DVDs to try include Flirty Girl Fitness (flirtygirlfit.com $9.99), in which you can even order a pole to be installed in your home to aid your workout, Core Rhythms (at Amazon from $13-$20), a Latin-inspired abdominal-centered workout, or the Pussycat Dolls Workout DVD (also at Amazon for $10.99) with routines set to the group’s hit songs and choreographed by their own choreographer, Robin Antin.

Whether it’s getting the right moves, building up certain muscles, or just thinking in the right way, there are plenty of ways to spice up your sex life. If you don’t believe me, get out there and start seeing the results, you’re certain to get rave reviews. Remember, the key to all these workouts is the one thing guys crave the most, confidence.