About Me

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I am a magazine, public relations, and sociology major at Drake University who is ALWAYS on the go...and I LOVE it!! This blog is a digital record of my evolving writing skills throughout college. To view my dating/relationship blog visit hsmason.wordpress.com.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Drake Relays

Drake Relays is officially over, and truth be told, I am so glad! Only so much fun can be had...

The Events of My First Drake Relays
-Street Painting....one week later I am still pulling paint out of my hair
-A group shower with 100 other people in the middle of campus
-Dancing in a cage not one, but three times
-Getting hit on by the star of the Drake Basketball team, thank you very much
-Sleeping right through a HelloGoodbye concert
-Not being able to move from all the dancing that has occurred
-Meeting alumni at the bars (very friendly alumni)
-Watching world records get beat
-Being woken up every 5 minutes by the boy down the hall
-Nights that began at noon
-A total of 8 hrs of sleep...in about 4 days
-The wise, wise wisdom of Jim Duncan-"If everyone sits, everyone sees."
-Spending $20 at McDonalds, which apparently IS possible
-Finally giving up on the guy that can't get it together
-Even though you can't give up feelings
-But having a good time regardless
-FIJI Island
-Dressing up only to get completely downpoured on

I am proud to say I survived my first Relays.
Now, to get through finals week...

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